With the rapid progression of urbanization and the increasing emphasis on enhancing human well-being, there is a growing demand for intelligent systems that prioritize human-centric design and functionality. Meeting this demand involves addressing key challenges, such as developing advanced sensing technologies to monitor various aspects of human life, including health indicators, behavioral patterns, and people’s interactions with the built environment. Moreover, it requires developing advanced AI models for human-in-the-loop applications, such as predictive tools for personalized healthcare, adaptive systems for long-term monitoring, and optimization algorithms to enhance daily activities and decision-making processes. Additionally, integrating user requirements into system architectures—encompassing intuitive interfaces, wearable and ambient devices, and context-aware functionalities—remains a critical priority. These advancements are pivotal for a wide range of human-centered applications, including healthcare systems that enable early diagnostics and proactive interventions, smart living environments that streamline and optimize daily routines, personalized learning platforms tailored to individual preferences, and advanced technologies that enhance accessibility and mobility across diverse populations in our community.